Latisha’s Story
In April of 2024, Latisha visited an urgent care to seek medical attention for flu like symptoms. The previous week she had been nauseous and couldn’t hold down any food, soon she couldn’t hold down even water. During her exam they saw her blood pressure was at an extremely dangerous level, and they immediately transferred her to the emergency room.
After being triaged, examined and admitted she quickly learned she was at 0% kidney function and was diagnosed with Kidney Failure at only 29 years old. It would be over three weeks until she was able to leave the hospital.
During those three weeks she underwent hundreds of blood tests and exams. At her age many of her loved ones were confused and shocked to learn about her condition. No one, including Latisha knew she had an auto immune disorder, APOL1. Doctors believe her Kidneys had slowly been deteriorating for the past 10-15 years, so many symptoms occurred slowly and gradually.
After leaving the hospital, Latisha received dialysis treatments every other day on a strict schedule. This heavily impacted her normally busy life of a full time job alongside bartending on the weekends, Latisha worked six days a week leading up to her diagnosis. She was able to still work on dialysis but the constant travel and treatments wore her down both mentally and physically. She does have a tribe around her that pitched in immensely to help her adjust to her new life, but being chronically ill overnight wasn’t an easy task to tackle at such a young age.
Now, Latisha is able to receive dialysis treatments at home but is still limited in her day to day life. She is a great candidate for a living donation and will live a near-normal life once she receives a transplant.
About APOL-1
The APOL1 gene makes a protein in your immune system which is your body's cells and tissues that fight infection. Genes are in the part of your cells that contain DNA. You have two copies of each gene: one from each of your parents. Genes are passed down from parents to children, including genes that have mutations (a change or variation).
Everyone has the two APOL1 genes. Normally, the APOL1 genes make a helpful immune system protein. Some people are born with mutations in one or both APOL1 genes. If you inherit mutations in both APOL1 genes, you have an increased risk for developing kidney disease. The inherited APOL1 mutations can:
Cause damage to parts of the kidney that filter blood
Sometimes cause cells in the kidney to die, which leads to damage and scarring in the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure
For example, if you inherit a mutation in both copies of the APOL1 gene, you have a 10 times higher chance of having a type of kidney disease called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) than people without the gene mutation. FSGS is a rare type of kidney disease that causes scarring (sclerosis) in the filters of your kidneys. Scarring can make it harder for the kidneys to filter waste. Doctors may call it APOL1-mediated kidney disease or APOL1-mediated FSGS. APOL1-mediated FSGS causes damage to the kidneys in a short time, and can lead to kidney failure much faster, than other types of FSGS.
From Loved Ones
Mackenzie Hawes
Tish has been my best friend for nearly 8 years. It's hard to try to put into words what exactly she means to me, because our friendship is so unique. It's something I'll never have with anyone else, and I would never be the same without. She has impacted me so deeply, simply by being her! She has the biggest heart of gold, an unmatchable sense of humor, she is incredibly talented and passionate, she is one of the most beautiful humans I've ever met, both inside and out. Without Tish, I wouldn't want to do life. I wish there were words to describe how much I cherish her, but it's in ways that no one else would understand; how she's my "Chuck", being able to do flow arts together, experiencing new things, new places, new music, learning to navigate life together. To me, she is irreplaceable.
Steven Jarrell
Latisha has been a constant source of strength and laughter in my life since day one. Through every hardship, she’s stood by my side, offering not only unwavering support but also a sense of humor that has helped me navigate even the toughest moments. Her ability to make people laugh, especially when they need it most, is a rare gift, and it’s one of the many reasons I’m so grateful for her. Latisha doesn’t just show up in times of need; she shines, bringing light to even the darkest days with her infectious laughter and comforting presence. She’s one of the most loyal, caring, and hilarious people I know, and I’m lucky to call her my friend. No matter what life throws our way, I know she’ll be right there, making me laugh through it all, and I can only hope to do the same for her.
Rickie McCanna
Latisha has been a part of my life for nearly 8 years. One of the first times we hung out just us we were at very low points of our early 20s, she asked if I wanted to drive around with her and cry to sad music and was at my house within minutes. Since then, she’s been one of my best and most loyal friends. I care so much for her nd it’s hard for me to put into words. We always do the right things for each other and she’s not afraid to tell me when I’m wrong. She’s been an instrumental part of my life and I can’t imagine what it would even look like without her in it. There aren’t many people like her in the world, I only hope I can help her as much as she’s helped me.